Bridging the energy gap / Andrew Langley.
- 9781410943187 (hb freestyle express)
- 9781410943255 (pb freestyle express)
- 333 22
- TJ163.23 .L3335 2011
Sammanfattning: This book looks at our reliance on fossil fuels, the benefits and limitations of renewable sources, and how we can use energry more efficiently.
Powering the world -- Where does energy come from? -- Fossil fuels -- The mighty atom -- Sunlight -- Less waste, less energy -- Final verdict : energy -- Glossary.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 46) and index.
Powering the world -- Where does energy come from? -- Fossil fuels -- The mighty atom -- Sunlight -- Less waste, less energy -- Final verdict : energy -- Glossary.
This book looks at our reliance on fossil fuels, the benefits and limitations of renewable sources, and how we can use energry more efficiently.