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Junior illustrated maths dictionary / Tori Large, Kirsteen Rogers, Ruth Russell.

Av: Medverkande: Materialtyp: TextTextSerie: Usborne dictionariesUtgivningsinformation: [S.l.] : Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2012.Utgåva: New editionBeskrivning: 136 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cmISBN:
  • 1409555321 (paperback)
  • 9781409555322 (paperback)
  • 510
Onlineresurser: Sammanfattning: A colourful and straight-forward dictionary designed to help children develop firm foundations for confidence and success in maths from Key Stage 2 onwards. Contains clear explanations of over 450 key terms and concepts, with hundreds of useful examples and illustrations. Readers can dip in for quick explanations or read through by subject to grasp the essentials. A fantastic homework-helper for both children and parents, also including links to recommended maths websites with activities and explanations. -- Bokus
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Printed book Printed book IES Halmstad Non-fiction 1 Tillgänglig 097814095553221
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A colourful and straight-forward dictionary designed to help children develop firm foundations for confidence and success in maths from Key Stage 2 onwards. Contains clear explanations of over 450 key terms and concepts, with hundreds of useful examples and illustrations. Readers can dip in for quick explanations or read through by subject to grasp the essentials. A fantastic homework-helper for both children and parents, also including links to recommended maths websites with activities and explanations. -- Bokus

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