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Eject eject eject / Dee Phillips.

Av: Materialtyp: TextTextSerie: Right now!Utgivningsinformation: [S.l.] : Evans Brothers Ltd ; 2010.Beskrivning: 48 p. ; 20 cmISBN:
  • 0237541963 (paperback)
  • 9780237541965 (paperback)
Ämnen: DDK-klassifikation:
  • F
Onlineresurser: Sammanfattning: A young fighter pilot is lost in the Afghan desert, waiting for rescue and desperately trying to evade capture by the enemy. As the story unfolds he tells us, in flashback, about the mission that went wrong and how his plane was brought down by enemy fire, forcing him to eject from his jet.
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Exemplartyp Aktuellt bibliotek Avdelning Hyllsignatur Ex.nummer Status Förfallodatum Streckkod Exemplarreservationer
Printed book Printed book IES Halmstad Fiction F Phi (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) Utlånad 10/11/2023 097802375419651
Printed book Printed book IES Hassleholm Fiction F PHI (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Tillgänglig 397802375419651
Antal reservationer: 0

A young fighter pilot is lost in the Afghan desert, waiting for rescue and desperately trying to evade capture by the enemy. As the story unfolds he tells us, in flashback, about the mission that went wrong and how his plane was brought down by enemy fire, forcing him to eject from his jet.

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