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Tentacle trouble / written and illustrated by Phil Corbett.

Av: Materialtyp: TextTextSerie: Kitty Quest ; 2Utgivningsuppgift: New York : Razorbill, 2022Beskrivning: pages cmInnehållstyp:
  • text
  • still image
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • 9780593205471
  • 9780593205495
Annan titel:
  • At head of title: Kitty quest
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 741.5/942 23/eng/20211112
Library of Congress (LC) klassifikationskod:
  • PZ7.7.C6715 Ten 2022
Sammanfattning: "The cats of Kitty Quest face off against an army of ludicrous sea monsters!"-- Provided by publisher.
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Exemplartyp Aktuellt bibliotek Avdelning Hyllsignatur Ex.nummer Status Förfallodatum Streckkod Exemplarreservationer
Printed book Printed book IES Skelleftea primary graphic novels Fiction Primary School 741.5 Cor (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Utlånad 03/13/2025 800667142756A
Printed book Printed book IES Skelleftea primary graphic novels Fiction Primary School 741.5 Cor (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 2 Utlånad 04/12/2025 800710115793
Antal reservationer: 0
Liknande IES Skelleftea titlar, Placering: primary graphic novels, Avdelning: Fiction Primary School Stäng hyllsökare (Dölj hyllsökare)
741.5 Cor Kitty quest / 741.5 Cor Tentacle trouble / 741.5 Cor Sinister sister / 741.5 Cor Tentacle trouble / 741.5 For Fjodor hux flux / 741.5 Gör De tre paddorna / 741.5 Gör Den lilla häxan /

"The cats of Kitty Quest face off against an army of ludicrous sea monsters!"-- Provided by publisher.

Ages 8-12 years Razorbill

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