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We are Water Protectors written by Carole Lindstrom ; illustrated by Michaela Goade.

Av: Medverkande: Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Originalspråk: Engelska Utgivningsuppgift: New York : Roaring Brook Press, a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing, [2020]Datum för upphovsrätt: 2020Utgåva: First editionBeskrivning: 35 unnumbered pages color illustrations 26 cmInnehållstyp:
  • text, still image
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • 9781250203557
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • F 23/swe
Annan klassifikation:
  • He(yb),uf
Sammanfattning: Inspired by the many Indigenous-led movements across North America, We Are Water Protectors issues an urgent rallying cry to safeguard the Earth's water from harm and corruption -- a bold and lyrical picture book written by Carole Lindstrom and vibrantly illustrated by Michaela Goade. Water is the first medicine. It affects and connects us all. When a black snake threatens to destroy the Earth and poison her people's water, one young water protector takes a stand to defend Earth's most sacred resource. - Publisher.Sammanfattning: Water is the first medicine. It affects and connects us all ... When a black snake threatens to destroy the Earth and poison her people's water, one young water protector takes a stand to defend Earth's most sacred resource. Inspired by the many indigenous-led movements across North America, this bold and lyrical picture book issues an urgent rallying cry to safeguard the Earth's water from harm and corruption.
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Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Fairy tales & Folklore Fiction B LIN (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Utlånad 03/29/2025 297812502035571
Antal reservationer: 0

Includes bibliographical references.

Inspired by the many Indigenous-led movements across North America, We Are Water Protectors issues an urgent rallying cry to safeguard the Earth's water from harm and corruption -- a bold and lyrical picture book written by Carole Lindstrom and vibrantly illustrated by Michaela Goade. Water is the first medicine. It affects and connects us all. When a black snake threatens to destroy the Earth and poison her people's water, one young water protector takes a stand to defend Earth's most sacred resource. - Publisher.

Water is the first medicine. It affects and connects us all ... When a black snake threatens to destroy the Earth and poison her people's water, one young water protector takes a stand to defend Earth's most sacred resource. Inspired by the many indigenous-led movements across North America, this bold and lyrical picture book issues an urgent rallying cry to safeguard the Earth's water from harm and corruption.

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