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The dog walk / Sven Nordqvist.

Av: Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Originalspråk: Svenska Utgivningsuppgift: Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2021Beskrivning: 27 onumrerade sidor illustrationer 25 x 30 cmInnehållstyp:
  • text, still image
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • 9781782507437
  • Hundpromenaden Engelska
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • F 23
Sammanfattning: It's time for Grandma's dog to go for a walk. The eager pooch tugs the boy's hand, excited to get going. But where will they end up? This is a dog walk like no other, through amazing fairy-tale worlds, paintings come to life, Escher-esque castles, an intricately cluttered antique shop, and past countless delights: walking teapots, miniature steamboats, giant hedgehogs and islands with sails. This fantastical story of a dog and a boy is told simply through weird, whimsical and often hilarious illustrations. Children will pore over each page, delighting in the incredible details. Each reading will bring fresh discoveries and new twists to the tale. Beloved Swedish children's illustrator Sven Nordqvist unleashes his endlessly inventive talent in this funny and satisfying wordless book. Walking the dog will never feel the same again. -- Adlibris
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Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Picture Books Fiction B NOR (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Tillgänglig 297817825074371
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Translated from the Swedish

It's time for Grandma's dog to go for a walk. The eager pooch tugs the boy's hand, excited to get going. But where will they end up?

This is a dog walk like no other, through amazing fairy-tale worlds, paintings come to life, Escher-esque castles, an intricately cluttered antique shop, and past countless delights: walking teapots, miniature steamboats, giant hedgehogs and islands with sails.

This fantastical story of a dog and a boy is told simply through weird, whimsical and often hilarious illustrations. Children will pore over each page, delighting in the incredible details. Each reading will bring fresh discoveries and new twists to the tale.

Beloved Swedish children's illustrator Sven Nordqvist unleashes his endlessly inventive talent in this funny and satisfying wordless book. Walking the dog will never feel the same again. -- Adlibris

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