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Findus at Christmas / Sven Nordqvist ; [Translation by Nathan Large].

Av: Medverkande: Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Originalspråk: Svenska Utgivningsuppgift: Stroud : Hawthorn, 2011Beskrivning: [23] p. chiefly col. ill. 30 cmISBN:
  • 9781907359057
  • Pettson får julbesök. Engelska
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • F 23/swe
Sammanfattning: It is the day before Christmas Eve and there is lots to do, but disaster strikes when Pettson sprains his ankle. How can they celebrate Christmas now, with no tree, ham, meatballs or gingerbread? For all their resourcefulness, Findus and Pettson are close to giving up, when suddenly there is a knock on the door... -- Adlibris
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Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Picture Books Fiction B NOR (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Utlånad 04/05/2025 297819073590571
Antal reservationer: 0

It is the day before Christmas Eve and there is lots to do, but disaster strikes when Pettson sprains his ankle. How can they celebrate Christmas now, with no tree, ham, meatballs or gingerbread? For all their resourcefulness, Findus and Pettson are close to giving up, when suddenly there is a knock on the door... -- Adlibris

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