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Findus rules the roost / Sven Nordqvist ; translated by Nathan Large.

Av: Medverkande: Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Originalspråk: Svenska Serie: Findus and PettsonUtgivningsuppgift: Stroud : Hawthorn Press, [2017]Datum för upphovsrätt: 2017Beskrivning: 26 sidor illustrationerInnehållstyp:
  • text, still image
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • 9781907359873
  • Tuppens minut Engelska
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • F 23/swe
Annan klassifikation:
  • Heec(yb),uf
  • Hcce(yb),uf
Sammanfattning: Old man Pettson has ten hens in his hen house. Findus the cat often teases them and plays chase with them around the yard. The chickens are Findus' best friends, second only to Pettson. But one day, Pettson brings home a rooster. The rooster is loud, and does not want Findus to play with the hens. In fact the rooster chases him away! Findus is unhappy and his ears are aching, but what can he do? Find out what happens in this, the tenth Findus and Pettson book published by Hawthorn Press -- Adlibris
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Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Picture Books Fiction B NOR (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Utlånad 04/18/2025 297819073598731
Antal reservationer: 0

Old man Pettson has ten hens in his hen house. Findus the cat often teases them and plays chase with them around the yard. The chickens are Findus' best friends, second only to Pettson. But one day, Pettson brings home a rooster. The rooster is loud, and does not want Findus to play with the hens. In fact the rooster chases him away!

Findus is unhappy and his ears are aching, but what can he do? Find out what happens in this, the tenth Findus and Pettson book published by Hawthorn Press -- Adlibris

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