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Eye to eye : how animals see the world / Steve Jenkins.

Av: Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Originalspråk: Engelska Utgivningsuppgift: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, [2014]Datum för upphovsrätt: ©2014Beskrivning: 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cmInnehållstyp:
  • text
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • 9780547959078 (hbk.)
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 573.8/8 23
Library of Congress (LC) klassifikationskod:
  • QL949 .J46 2014
Sammanfattning: Did you know ... The eyes of the colossal squid are each the size of a basketball? The butterfly can see colors that are invisible to us? The tuatara, a kind of lizard, has a third eye on the top of its head? Find out all about animal eyes in this stunning new book by the award-winning author Steve Jenkins. -- Baksidan
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Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Picture Books Non-fiction B 573 JEN (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Tillgänglig 297805479590781
Antal reservationer: 0

Did you know ...
The eyes of the colossal squid are each the size of a basketball?
The butterfly can see colors that are invisible to us?
The tuatara, a kind of lizard, has a third eye on the top of its head?
Find out all about animal eyes in this stunning new book by the award-winning author Steve Jenkins. -- Baksidan

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