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Dog Man : Big Jim Begins / Dav Pilkey.

Av: Medverkande: Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Originalspråk: Engelska Serie: Dog Man. 13 Big Jim Begins | Dog Man ; 13Utgivningsuppgift: New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, 2024Beskrivning: 223 pages 21 cmInnehållstyp:
  • text
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • 9781338896459
  • 9781338896497
Ämnen: Genre/form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 741
Sammanfattning: "Dog Man, Big Jim, and others join forces to stop the Space Cuties from destroying the city. Will the past predict the future for Dog Man and his friends? Will goodness and bravery prevail? Can anything happen if you truly believe?"-- Provided by publisher.
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Exemplartyp Aktuellt bibliotek Avdelning Hyllsignatur Volyminfo Ex.nummer Status Förfallodatum Streckkod Exemplarreservationer
Printed book Printed book IES Skelleftea primary graphic novels Fiction Primary School 741 Pil (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 1 Utlånad 04/10/2025 800710116804
Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Comics, Graphic Novels & Manga Fiction M G PIL (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 13 1 Utlånad 04/09/2025 297813388964591
Printed book Printed book IES Sodra Anggarden Comics, Graphic Novels & Manga Fiction M G PIL (Liknande titlar(Öppnas nedan)) 13 2 Utlånad 04/05/2025 297813388964592
Antal reservationer: 0

"Dog Man, Big Jim, and others join forces to stop the Space Cuties from destroying the city. Will the past predict the future for Dog Man and his friends? Will goodness and bravery prevail? Can anything happen if you truly believe?"-- Provided by publisher.

Ages 7 and Up Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic

Grades 2-3 Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic

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